Source code for linesep.funcs

from __future__ import annotations
from import Iterable, Iterator
import re
from typing import AnyStr, IO
from warnings import warn

[docs]def read_preceded( fp: IO[AnyStr], sep: AnyStr | re.Pattern[AnyStr], retain: bool = False, chunk_size: int = 512, ) -> Iterator[AnyStr]: """ Read segments from a file-like object ``fp`` in which the beginning of each segment is indicated by the string or compiled regex ``sep``. A generator of segments is returned; an empty file will always produce an empty generator. Data is read from the filehandle ``chunk_size`` characters at a time. If ``sep`` is a variable-length compiled regex and a separator in the file crosses a chunk boundary, the results are undefined. .. deprecated:: 0.4.0 Passing a regular expression as a separator is deprecated, and support will be removed in version 1.0. :param fp: a binary or text file-like object :param sep: a string or compiled regex that indicates the start of a new segment wherever it occurs :param bool retain: whether to include the separators at the beginning of each segment :param int chunk_size: how many bytes or characters to read from ``fp`` at a time :return: a generator of the segments in ``fp`` :rtype: generator of binary or text strings """ # Omits empty leading entry entries = read_separated(fp, sep, retain=retain, chunk_size=chunk_size) e = next(entries) if e: yield e if retain: entries = _join_pairs(entries) for e in entries: yield e
[docs]def read_separated( fp: IO[AnyStr], sep: AnyStr | re.Pattern[AnyStr], retain: bool = False, chunk_size: int = 512, ) -> Iterator[AnyStr]: """ Read segments from a file-like object ``fp`` in which segments are separated by the string or compiled regex ``sep``. A generator of segments is returned; an empty file will always produce a generator with one element, the empty string. Data is read from the filehandle ``chunk_size`` characters at a time. If ``sep`` is a variable-length compiled regex and a separator in the file crosses a chunk boundary, the results are undefined. .. deprecated:: 0.4.0 Passing a regular expression as a separator is deprecated, and support will be removed in version 1.0. :param fp: a binary or text file-like object :param sep: a string or compiled regex that indicates the end of one segment and the beginning of another wherever it occurs :param bool retain: When `True`, the segment separators will be included in the output, with the elements of the generator alternating between segments and separators, starting with a (possibly empty) segment :param int chunk_size: how many bytes or characters to read from ``fp`` at a time :return: a generator of the segments in ``fp`` :rtype: generator of binary or text strings """ if not isinstance(sep, (bytes, str)): warn( "Passing a regular expression separator to a read_*() function is" " deprecated and will be removed in v1.0", DeprecationWarning, ) seppattern = _ensure_compiled(sep) empty = # b'' or u'' as appropriate buff = empty for chunk in iter(lambda:, empty): buff += chunk lastend = 0 for m in seppattern.finditer(buff): yield buff[lastend : m.start()] if retain: yield lastend = m.end() buff = buff[lastend:] yield buff
[docs]def read_terminated( fp: IO[AnyStr], sep: AnyStr | re.Pattern[AnyStr], retain: bool = False, chunk_size: int = 512, ) -> Iterator[AnyStr]: """ Read segments from a file-like object ``fp`` in which the end of each segment is indicated by the string or compiled regex ``sep``. A generator of segments is returned; an empty file will always produce an empty generator. Data is read from the filehandle ``chunk_size`` characters at a time. If ``sep`` is a variable-length compiled regex and a separator in the file crosses a chunk boundary, the results are undefined. .. deprecated:: 0.4.0 Passing a regular expression as a separator is deprecated, and support will be removed in version 1.0. :param fp: a binary or text file-like object :param sep: a string or compiled regex that indicates the end of a segment wherever it occurs :param bool retain: whether to include the separators at the end of each segment :param int chunk_size: how many bytes or characters to read from ``fp`` at a time :return: a generator of the segments in ``fp`` :rtype: generator of binary or text strings """ # Omits empty trailing entry prev = None entries = read_separated(fp, sep, retain=retain, chunk_size=chunk_size) if retain: entries = _join_pairs(entries) for e in entries: if prev is not None: yield prev prev = e if prev: yield prev
[docs]def split_preceded( s: AnyStr, sep: AnyStr | re.Pattern[AnyStr], retain: bool = False, ) -> list[AnyStr]: """ Split a string ``s`` into zero or more segments starting with/preceded by the string or compiled regex ``sep``. A list of segments is returned; an empty input string will always produce an empty list. :param s: a binary or text string :param sep: a string or compiled regex that indicates the start of a new segment wherever it occurs :param bool retain: whether to include the separators at the beginning of each segment :return: a list of the segments in ``s`` :rtype: list of binary or text strings """ entries = split_separated(s, sep, retain) if retain: entries[1:] = list(_join_pairs(entries[1:])) if not entries[0]: entries.pop(0) return entries
[docs]def split_separated( s: AnyStr, sep: AnyStr | re.Pattern[AnyStr], retain: bool = False, ) -> list[AnyStr]: """ Split a string ``s`` into one or more segments separated by the string or compiled regex ``sep``. A list of segments is returned; an empty input string will always produce a list with one element, the empty string. :param s: a binary or text string :param sep: a string or compiled regex that indicates the end of one segment and the beginning of another wherever it occurs :param bool retain: When `True`, the segment separators will be included in the output, with the elements of the list alternating between segments and separators, starting with a (possibly empty) segment :return: a list of the segments in ``s`` :rtype: list of binary or text strings """ seppattern = _ensure_compiled(sep) entries = [] lastend = 0 for m in seppattern.finditer(s): entries.append(s[lastend : m.start()]) if retain: entries.append( lastend = m.end() entries.append(s[lastend:]) return entries
[docs]def split_terminated( s: AnyStr, sep: AnyStr | re.Pattern[AnyStr], retain: bool = False, ) -> list[AnyStr]: """ Split a string ``s`` into zero or more segments terminated by the string or compiled regex ``sep``. A list of segments is returned; an empty input string will always produce an empty list. :param s: a binary or text string :param sep: a string or compiled regex that indicates the end of a segment wherever it occurs :param bool retain: whether to include the separators at the end of each segment :return: a list of the segments in ``s`` :rtype: list of binary or text strings """ entries = split_separated(s, sep, retain) if retain: entries = list(_join_pairs(entries)) if not entries[-1]: entries.pop() return entries
[docs]def join_preceded(iterable: Iterable[AnyStr], sep: AnyStr) -> AnyStr: """ Join the elements of ``iterable`` together, preceding each one with ``sep`` :param iterable: an iterable of binary or text strings :param sep: a binary or text string :rtype: a binary or text string """ return sep[0:0].join(sep + s for s in iterable)
[docs]def join_separated(iterable: Iterable[AnyStr], sep: AnyStr) -> AnyStr: """ Join the elements of ``iterable`` together, separating consecutive elements with ``sep`` :param iterable: an iterable of binary or text strings :param sep: a binary or text string :rtype: a binary or text string """ return sep.join(iterable)
[docs]def join_terminated(iterable: Iterable[AnyStr], sep: AnyStr) -> AnyStr: """ Join the elements of ``iterable`` together, appending ``sep`` to each one :param iterable: an iterable of binary or text strings :param sep: a binary or text string :rtype: a binary or text string """ return sep[0:0].join(s + sep for s in iterable)
[docs]def write_preceded(fp: IO[AnyStr], iterable: Iterable[AnyStr], sep: AnyStr) -> None: """ Write the elements of ``iterable`` to the filehandle ``fp``, preceding each one with ``sep`` :param fp: a binary or text file-like object :param iterable: an iterable of binary or text strings :param sep: a binary or text string :return: `None` """ for s in iterable: fp.write(sep) fp.write(s)
[docs]def write_separated(fp: IO[AnyStr], iterable: Iterable[AnyStr], sep: AnyStr) -> None: """ Write the elements of ``iterable`` to the filehandle ``fp``, separating consecutive elements with ``sep`` :param fp: a binary or text file-like object :param iterable: an iterable of binary or text strings :param sep: a binary or text string :return: `None` """ first = True for s in iterable: if first: first = False else: fp.write(sep) fp.write(s)
[docs]def write_terminated(fp: IO[AnyStr], iterable: Iterable[AnyStr], sep: AnyStr) -> None: """ Write the elements of ``iterable`` to the filehandle ``fp``, appending ``sep`` to each one :param fp: a binary or text file-like object :param iterable: an iterable of binary or text strings :param sep: a binary or text string :return: `None` """ for s in iterable: fp.write(s) fp.write(sep)
def _join_pairs(iterable: Iterable[AnyStr]) -> Iterator[AnyStr]: """ Concatenate each pair of consecutive strings in ``iterable``. If there are an odd number of items in ``iterable``, the last one will be returned unmodified. """ i = iter(iterable) for a in i: try: b = next(i) except StopIteration: yield a return else: yield a + b def _ensure_compiled(sep: AnyStr | re.Pattern[AnyStr]) -> re.Pattern[AnyStr]: if isinstance(sep, (bytes, str)): return re.compile(re.escape(sep)) else: return sep _EOL_RGX = re.compile(r"\r\n?|\n")
[docs]def ascii_splitlines(s: str, keepends: bool = False) -> list[str]: """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 Like `str.splitlines()`, except it only treats ``"\\n"``, ``"\\r\\n"``, and ``"\\r"`` as line endings """ lines = [] lastend = 0 for m in _EOL_RGX.finditer(s): if keepends: lines.append(s[lastend : m.end()]) else: lines.append(s[lastend : m.start()]) lastend = m.end() if lastend < len(s): lines.append(s[lastend:]) return lines
[docs]def read_paragraphs(fp: Iterable[str]) -> Iterator[str]: """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 Read a text filehandle or other iterable of lines (with trailing line endings retained) paragraph by paragraph. Each paragraph is terminated by one or more blank lines (i.e., lines containing only a line ending). Trailing and embedded line endings in each paragraph are retained. Only ``"\\n"``, ``"\\r\\n"``, and ``"\\r"`` are recognized as line endings. """ para: list[str] = [] for line in fp: if not _is_blank(line) and para and _is_blank(para[-1]): yield "".join(para) para = [line] else: para.append(line) if para: yield "".join(para)
def _is_blank(line: str) -> bool: return line in ("\n", "\r", "\r\n") _EOL_RGX2 = r"(?:\r\n|\r(?!\n)|\n)" _EOPARA_RGX = re.compile(rf"\A{_EOL_RGX2}+|{_EOL_RGX2}{{2,}}")
[docs]def split_paragraphs(s: str) -> list[str]: """ .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 Split a string into paragraphs, each one terminated by one or more blank lines (i.e., lines containing only a line ending). Trailing and embedded line endings in each paragraph are retained. Only ``"\\n"``, ``"\\r\\n"``, and ``"\\r"`` are recognized as line endings. """ return split_terminated(s, _EOPARA_RGX, retain=True)